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Genora Williams

G Williams
00:00 / 03:42

Could you tell me a little bit about your life history, maybe the parts that you most remember from your life or the parts that you think are most important?​


“I think my calling was a caregiver. When I graduated from high school and I moved to New York and I went to Geneva's Business School. After graduating that didn't satisfy me. So I ended up getting the job at Memorial Sloan Kettering and I worked there 30 years […] But in the 30 years I learned so much, met so many important people. I got married and had these two wonderful boys […] I loved my family. And we bought a house in Queens. Oh gosh I enjoyed it, we stayed there 15 years. And on Christmas and Thanksgiving the family was there […] And it was just fun. But you know, nothing stays the same but the Word, so it was no way that that scenery could have stayed the same way [...] out of 13 kids, it's only six of us left now. Sometimes I get kind of sad about that, but it don't last long.”

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