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Tiffany King

00:00 / 03:09
Could you tell us a little bit about your life history? Especially the parts of that you feel are most important?
“I had to literally, like, grow up fast, because I had my son young. I have two boys, one is deceased…. My family is very supportive to me right now because I'm going through — my son’s life was taken in 2020 by four inmates. Because his life was taken while he was on a hold… in jail. It has taken a toll on me. It has really really changed my life. I’ve been through a lot of things in my life that people wouldn’t understand. And when I lost my son, it really took me to the edge, basically, and all I would hear was ‘it’s gonna be ok,’ and I’ve always wanted to ask people, ‘Why do you tell people that? If you haven’t lost a son, you don’t know how that feels.’ … I ask God ‘why,’ and I know I shouldn’t, but my son, he was my firstborn, he was my best friend…. I’m a happy person, everybody knows that, but due to the things that I’m going through, I could be happy one minute, and the next minute, I’m crying, because I’m asking God: ‘Why? Why did you take my baby?’”
An additional message from Tiffany King:
"My name is Tiffany King, my son's life was taken @ 22:22 on 3/4/2020. Maurice was my 1st born son, bff, my angel I miss my son so much. It's a pain that will never go away. Maurice has 3 kids: Jewels, Y'anna, @ Malik. They miss their dad."
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