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Tammy Jackson

00:00 / 07:32
What barriers have you noticed as you tried to navigate your own healthcare?
“Before, when I was working, I had the best health insurance… now that I’m on disability, I’m on Medicare, I’m limited […] now, my nephew is getting married, we’re taking pictures, and I won’t be able to smile, because I don’t have it [...] financially I can’t do anything about it [the dental work] […] that’s my only issue […] So yes you have your copay, but copays are expensive, so there’s something you have to drop. I was having issues with my shoulder, elbow and knee […] But your cost is $25, but that physical therapy is $40 and so we had to stop that because I had to make a choice. Either I'm going to put food on that table, or I'm going to go ahead and feel good about, OK, we gone and done worked out that kink, but that kink is still there, it's going to come back anyways."
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